News and Events
February 8, 2019
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New Materials Released for the NHLBI ICTR Project

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Berry Consultants has launched a series of informative videos and webinars on clinical trial topics, including disease progression modeling and innovative designs, available on the ICTR website, and invites readers to register for updates and share feedback.

Berry Consultants has recently released several short videos and webinars undertaken in our role as the Innovative ClinicalTrials Resource (ICTR) for the National Institute of Health's National Heart,Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Recent topics include the following:

-Using Disease Progression Modeling to GuideDecision Making in Rare Disease Clinical Trials presented by Dr. MelanieQuintana

-Subgroup Analyses in Clinical Trials presentedby Dr. Ben Saville

-Innovative Clinical Trial Designs in NHLBIRelated Research Areas – Meeting at ASH presented by Drs. Kert Viele and AnnaMcGlothlin

We encourage readers to access these and other resources available on the ICTR websiteWe also encourage you to register for an account to receive alerts when newmaterials are listed. 

Comments and questions are welcomed and we may use these in future blogs posts!

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