News and Events
September 19, 2014
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2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Workshop

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Berry Consultants will actively participate in the 2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Statistics Workshop in Washington D.C. from September 22-24, with team members Jason Connor, Kert Viele, and Scott Berry presenting on topics including comparative effectiveness, historical borrowing in clinical trials, and trial simulation for adaptive designs.

Berry Consultants will have a strong presence at the 2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Statistics Workshop
 on September 22-24, 2014, in Washington D.C.  Team members attending and presenting are Jason Connor, Kert Viele, and Scott Berry.  A summary of their sessions are below:

-Jason Connor will be part of the Tuesday, September 23rd Roundtable Discussions from 11:45am-1:00pm, and lead the discussion on "Comparative Effectiveness in Off-Label Indications".

-Kert Viele will present "Properties of Historical Borrowing in Clinical Trials" during the Parallel Session: Bayesian Methods in Drug Developent: An Era of Synthesizing Evidence at 4:00pm-5:15pm on Tuesday, September 23rd.

-Scott Berry's presentation on "Trial Simulation for Adaptive Designs" will be on Wednesday, September 24 in the Parallel Session: Considerations and Challenges in Using Simulations for Regulatory Decision Making from 12:45pm-2:00pm. 

To attend these sessions or to see all other available sessions, please see the Online Program here.

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