2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Workshop
Berry Consultants will have a strong presence at the 2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Statistics Workshop on September 22-24, 2014, in Washington D.C. Team members attending and presenting are Jason Connor, Kert Viele, and Scott Berry. A summary of their sessions are below:
-Jason Connor will be part of the Tuesday, September 23rd Roundtable Discussions from 11:45am-1:00pm, and lead the discussion on "Comparative Effectiveness in Off-Label Indications".
-Kert Viele will present "Properties of Historical Borrowing in Clinical Trials" during the Parallel Session: Bayesian Methods in Drug Developent: An Era of Synthesizing Evidence at 4:00pm-5:15pm on Tuesday, September 23rd.
-Scott Berry's presentation on "Trial Simulation for Adaptive Designs" will be on Wednesday, September 24 in the Parallel Session: Considerations and Challenges in Using Simulations for Regulatory Decision Making from 12:45pm-2:00pm.
To attend these sessions or to see all other available sessions, please see the Online Program here.