February 2024 QUOTES Webinar
Berry Consultants will be hosting a webinar on the optimization of a clinical trial design by estimating its impact on the expected net present value of a drug development program using the software QUOTES (Quantification and Optimization of Trial Expectations Simulator).
In phase 2, in particular, it is difficult to assess the trade-off between being as quick as possible versus being as careful as possible to set up the phase 3 correctly, for instance by better characterizing the dose response. The Berry Consultants team will look at estimating the expected net present value of the development program across a range of phase 2 trial options as one way to make that assessment using QUOTES.
This free public webinar will be next Friday, Feb 23 at 11:00AM EST at the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87633566572 Plan on joining us then!