News and Events
April 2, 2024
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Berry Consultants Releases New Version of ADDPLAN

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The Berry Consultants Software team has released ADDPLAN NEO version 10.2, which introduces new features including a graph for Group Sequential designs, stopping boundaries, interim test statistic estimates from simulated trials, and illustrative examples to enhance understanding for non-statisticians.

The Berry Consultants Software team is pleased to announce a new release of ADDPLAN NEO, version 10.2. This new release adds a graph for Group Sequential designs as well as now shows the stopping boundaries, superimposes the estimates of the test statistic at interims from 100 simulated trials, and gives an example of how trials might progress under different assumptions. These features better convey the nature of the design to non-statisticians than a simple summary of operating characteristics.

For more information about ADDPLAN and the Release Notes of this version 10.2, see our ADDPLAN page here.

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