News and Events
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News and Events
2015 JSM in Seattle
Berry Consultants is sponsoring the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) from August 8-13 in Seattle, where they will host an exhibit booth (#533) and have team members presenting, with more details available in the provided summary.
News and Events
Energy & Commerce Committee releases document for better and faster cures
The House Energy and Commerce Committee has released a discussion document proposing measures to accelerate cures in the U.S., focusing on modernizing clinical trials through Bayesian statistics and adaptive trial designs.
News and Events
Berry Consultants a lead partner for the EPAD Initiative
The European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia (EPAD) Initiative, involving 35 partners from industry and academia, aims to collaboratively research and test innovative treatments to prevent Alzheimer’s dementia by establishing a European-wide register of 24,000 participants over five years.
News and Events
Dr. Donald Berry named amongst Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers
Dr. Donald Berry has been recognized as one of Thomson Reuters' Highly Cited Researchers in Clinical Medicine, ranking among the top 1% for most cited documents, and is also listed in "The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2014."
News and Events
2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Workshop
Berry Consultants will actively participate in the 2014 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Statistics Workshop in Washington D.C. from September 22-24, with team members Jason Connor, Kert Viele, and Scott Berry presenting on topics including comparative effectiveness, historical borrowing in clinical trials, and trial simulation for adaptive designs.
News and Events
2014 JSM in Boston
Berry Consultants will prominently sponsor and participate in the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) from August 2-7 in Boston, featuring an exhibit booth (#118) and various sessions, inviting attendees to meet their team.
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