News and Events
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News and Events
The Release of FACTS 6.1 Software
Berry Consultants is excited to announce the release of FACTS 6.1, which introduces new Dose Escalation simulation types, enhanced functionality with 'Design Variants' across all FACTS engines, and maintains full compatibility with previous versions, making it easier to estimate sample sizes and analyze trial outcomes.
News and Events
Berry Consultants Welcomes New Clinical Trial Strategy Team
Berry Consultants has launched a Clinical Trial Strategy Team, led by Dr. Meredith Buxton and Dr. Melissa Paoloni, to enhance the design and implementation of innovative platform and adaptive clinical trials across all therapeutic areas, aiming to advance precision medicine through expert guidance and comprehensive services.
News and Events
ARLG ADAPT Platform Trial Public Meeting
Duke Clinical Research Institute is hosting a public meeting on December 7th from 9am-3pm to discuss the results of the NIH-funded ADAPT project, which aims to create a more efficient and cost-effective clinical trial design for testing new antibiotics against highly resistant bacterial pathogens.
News and Events
2016 JSM in Chicago
Berry Consultants will prominently sponsor and participate in the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) from July 30 to August 4 in Chicago, featuring an exhibit booth (#529) and various sessions, inviting attendees to meet the team.
News and Events
CTTI's New Recommendations for Data Monitoring Committees
The Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) has released new recommendations and best practices for Data Monitoring Committees (DMCs), with contributions from Berry Consultants' Dr. Roger Lewis and Dr. Jason Connor.
Webinars and Videos
Berry Consultants Releases Videos on Adaptive Designs
Berry Consultants has launched three new videos on adaptive designs, featuring experts discussing topics such as DSMBs, biomarkers, and the intersection of NCAA football and the Ebola pandemic, adding to their previously released videos on related subjects, all available on their YouTube channel.
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