Webinars and Videos
October 5, 2023
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Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Phase 1 Dose Escalation

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In this video we look at the issues around designing Phase 1 Dose Escalation trials in oncology, where the aim is to explore increasing dose levels up to a limiting rate of toxicities.

In this video we look at the issues around designing Phase 1 Dose Escalation trials in oncology, where the aim is to explore increasing dose levels up to a limiting rate of toxicities. We look in particular at the Bayesian Logistic Regression Method (BLRM - “N-CRM" in FACTS), Bayesian Optimal Interval (BOIN) and the Modified Toxicity Probabitliy Interval (MTPI) methods and how to simulate and compare designs. Originally broadcast October 5, 2023

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