Matteo Vestrucci, Ph.D
Statistical Scientist
Matteo Vestrucci is a Statistical Scientist at Berry Consultants. Based in Austin, Texas, he started working in conjunction with the company while completing his Ph.D. in Statistics at the University of Texas at Austin, then joined Berry Consultants when he graduated in 2021. Prior to his doctoral work, Matteo received a B.S. and M.S. in Statistics from the University of Milano-Bicocca in Italy and accumulated industry experience while working on the DIAN-TU Alzheimer’s disease clinical trial for Roche. His activities at Berry Consultants encompass many types of advanced Bayesian trials, ranging from Goldilocks designs to platform trials such as the Healey ALS platform trial; and trial design work ranging from constructing disease progression models to harnessing historical data in order to borrow information dynamically, or to power trials. He has a good intuition for designing complex models through his attention to precise details and enjoys solving computational challenges through efficient custom coding. He has had the opportunity to participate in regulatory interactions, in particular with the FDA and its CID program.