Webinars and Videos

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Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Platform Trials & MAMS designs
In this video we look at the different types of MAMS designs that includes Platform Trail designs. We look at the different design issues and analysis methods available for these sorts of trials. Originally aired November 9, 2023
Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Basket Trials
In this video we look at designing Phase 2 Basket Trials where a treatment is explored in a large number of sub-groups (too many to be able to suitably power the trial in each sub-group).
Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Seamless Phase 2/3 Trials
In this video we look at designing seamless phase 2/3 trials, where a multi-arm phase 2 transitions when it can, selecting a dose and transitioning to a confirmatory phase 3.
Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Phase 2 Arm Dropping and RAR
In this video we look at designing response adaptive randomization (RAR) and arm dropping multi-arm phase 2 trials.
Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Group Sequential Designs
In this video we look at designing Group Sequential trials for confirmatory phase 3 trials, where the trial includes interims to stop early for efficacy and futility.
Biological structures and spirals.
Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs using FACTS: Phase 1 Dose Escalation
In this video we look at the issues around designing Phase 1 Dose Escalation trials in oncology, where the aim is to explore increasing dose levels up to a limiting rate of toxicities.
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