News and Events
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News and Events
NIH Announces ALS Innovative Research Initiative
The partnership between Berry Consultants and the NIH on the ALS Innovative Research Initiative is a remarkable endeavor aimed at advancing research in ALS.
News and Events
Los Angeles County Modeling Updates
Since March 2020, Berry Consultants LLC has been collaborating with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to develop COVID-19 hospital demand modeling projections, utilizing an SEIR epidemiologic model to predict hospital needs and assess the impact of physical distancing measures, with their findings prominently featured in various media outlets.
Webinars and Videos
Berry Consultants Webinar on Designing Trials for COVID-19
On April 24, Berry Consultants hosted a public FACTS webinar on COVID-19 trials, featuring presentations from various experts, with recorded sessions and additional resources available on their YouTube channel and linked articles.
News and Events
LA County COVID-19 Modeling Presentation
The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has released a COVID-19 hospital demand modeling presentation, with assistance from Berry Consultants, along with a complete press release available online.
News and Events
REMAP-CAP Study: Rationale and Design
Berry Consultants and the international REMAP-CAP team detail the Randomized Embedded Multifactorial Adaptive Platform for Community-acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP) study in a manuscript published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.
News and Events
REMAP-CAP Trial's latest information
Visit for the latest updates and responses from the REMAP-CAP Trial regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
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